My Dear Child, You are a permanent reminder of how wonderful the world is to us, and to tell you that no matter what happens, you will always remain our child. I say this not just as a parent, but because of how much you have enriched all our lives and how you will go on to enrich the lives of others you are yet to meet. Things you have struggled with have become our struggles, while all the wonderful things you accomplished in your short life so far have brought us more joy than anything we could have ever imagined. When I look into your eyes, I see such hope for humanity, and for the type of world we should all live in. A world filled with kindness for everything and everyone, whether it is a smile, a simple gesture or simply being there. This is what you bring to the world. A world filled with compassion for the vulnerable, weak, very young or very old. You seem to have a special sensitivity to the needs of others and help in the most sensitive and gentlest of ways. You tak...